Baja Yucca Company
Specializing In Yucca & Quillaja

The NSF Health Sciences Division offers standards, certification, training, consulting, GMP, and GLP testing, R&D and auditing for the pharmaceutical, dietary, supplement and medical device industries. A good manufacturing (GMP) is a production and testing practice that helps to ensure a quality product. Many countries have legislated that pharmaceutical and medical device companies must follow GMP procedures, and have created their own GMP guidelines that correspond with their legislation.
Basic concepts of all of these guidelines remain more or less similar to the ultimate goals of safeguarding the health of the patient as well as producing good quality medicine, medical devices or active pharmaceutical products. In the U.S. a drug may be deemed adulterated if it passes all of the specification tests, but is found to be manufactured in a condition which violates current good manufacturing guidelines. Therefore, complying with GMP is a mandatory aspect in pharmaceutical manufacturing.
In Interpreting ancient dietary laws and adapting them to modern technology, different rabbis have different views about what exactly passes as kosher. The OU symbol, belonging to the Orthodox Union, is one of the strictest kosher standards on the market today. The OU has been certifying kosher products for over 80 years. Their first kosher certification went to Heinz. In 1923 Heinz Vegetarian Beans became the first American product to display the OU kosher symbol. The OU is the world's largest kosher certifying agency. The OU certifies over 23000 companies with 4500 plants in 70 countries with a total of over 300,000 labels.